this is a really good flash
this rocks!
Do you know what the lyrics mean? I think that if you do you wouldn't have used this song, but for those that don't know what it means the song fits well. good job, i hope you get around your problem
this is a really good flash
this rocks!
Do you know what the lyrics mean? I think that if you do you wouldn't have used this song, but for those that don't know what it means the song fits well. good job, i hope you get around your problem
great art
great art, but I simply lost intrest because it was so difficult to understand what the hell was going on.
10 cos i cant get to 20
that was brilliant. i love the batman/ozzy bit, just brilliant.
make another one!
the title sums it up, brill.
yay marmite
wasnt clear what was going on, but the music made all my worries go away, oh and the marmite helped too
sweet perloader
nice preloader man, thats awsome. you need to make sure that the speach doenst change mid-sentense, other wise a good lil cartoon
yea, i tried to make it spontaneous so some lines were instant, but apparently you didnt like the way i did it :( oh well, thanks for the review anyway
watch my flash movies before i beat you with my 'jesus stick'
Age 33, Male
A Padded Room
Joined on 9/26/05