Huge dissapointment
Visually, Waterlollies is, as usual with your work, amazing.
The sounds are definatly vastly better than previous Brackenwood installments
The hype about Waterlollies was also definatly much bigger.
But unfortunatly It's just not as interesting as Littlefoot or The Yuyu. After all the delays and comments you made about parts A and B being releaseable without C I expected an epic tale with a thick plot and unexpected twists.... but they just weren't there. It felt short, very short. We see barely any of the loveable action that makes Bitey such an enjoyable character, having Bitey on a low is OK, but a whole animation where he's on a low is dissapointing.
Don't get me wrong, you are THE best flash artist there is, but your plots need work. Hopefully this is an issue that will be resolved with the Brackenwood movie (If it goes to cinema I will go 100 times, and If it goes stright to DVD I'll buy 20 copies)
Keep up the amazing work!